So it's Week 9 of the Autumn Uni semester which means we have no classes due to study week. Study week is great if it doesn't coincide with the primary/secondary school holidays (which it did this time around). My brother and sister are impossible: they argue most of the time (and are really loud when they do so) or they are the best of friends and still cause havoc throughout the house. I don't mind living with my family, but of course there are times where I just want to up and leave: find a place of my own. No more living by my parents rules because as much as I hate to say this, in many ways I'm starting to feel like I do know better than them, and that must be really annoying from a parents perspective.
But really, my parents aren't the major problem. The problem is me. I can't stand being here half the time. My nerves are always on edge and for the past two weeks I've been breaking down into tears for no real reason. Maybe I just feel segregated from my friends seeing as I am no longer working. Or maybe it's the bullshit facade my sister puts on everyday without fail (and is doing right now) pretending to cry to get attention and get her own way. Anyway, I can rant and rave all I like: it won't change the fact that I'll be stuck here for another three years.
On the flip-side, Uni is going great. I got my first High Distinction last week: 93% for my Crime essay! The teacher was very pleased with that. I'm hoping she will tell us what the highest overall score, soon. I'm also interested to see what mark I get for my Philosophy essay where I discussed Immanuel Kant's understanding of the beautiful being subjective and yet devoid of all interest. A bit if a concept, huh? Most recently though, I had a class test for my favourite subject which is based on racisms and ethnicities in Australia. The lecturer is great and will be my supervisor for Honours next year but it's my classroom teacher (a second year Ph.D. student) who I get along with best. He's only young and we have been talking quite a bit for the past two months. I just hope we do stay in contact after the semester is over because of all my new friends this semester, it's his opinion that I value the most and his help that is most appreciated. I guess I'll keep you updated on that.
In other news, I am on the Show Committee for our Musical Society at Uni. It's a new 'club' and we will be putting on a student production by the end of the year, with the aim of producing a larger scale show by Christmas 2010. It's been a lot of fun with the fortnightly Musical workshop/meetings where we do improvisation, singing exercises and next week we will start dancing!
Keep you posted but in the meantime, read Truman Capote's 'In Cold Blood': an amazing part-fiction/part-journalistic true-crime account of the Clutter murders. Also track down the film adaption, directed by Richard Brooks. Amazing.