Having stayed up way past my bed time to watch two episodes of The Walking Dead and in desperate need of a comical distraction before my nightmarish slumber, I resorted to visiting everyone's favourite 140-characters-or-less social network, Twitter.
Soon I was deliriously playing around with the title of the classic television show 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' and giggling to myself in the dark as I looked at what I had come up with on the glowing screen of my iPhone. Then I started to wonder, had anyone created a hashtag topic on Twitter, sharing their alternate Fresh Prince titles?
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, my few sleepy and nonsensical tweets inspired a midnight collaboration with my good friend Elyse. A collaboration that promised to shake up Australian television and challenge everything viewers thought they knew about reality TV...
The Fresh Mince of a Bear.
The Flesh Prints of (Fred) Astaire.
The Fresh Rinse of Bel's Hair. #IfIHadARealityShow
@Bel Your reality show intrigues me... So, I imagine that it is a show where people compete at washing your hair.
@Elyse in this season, yes!
I am currently picturing the eliminations. The dramatic music, all the contestants lined up,"I'm sorry, you've been rinsed out"
Yes! "Jacques, you have been rinsed out. Tune in next week: who will be our Rinsing Winner? Francois or Marylou-Genevieve?"
I can not believe that Jean-Pierre was eliminated in the first round! His scalp massage technique was perfect!
"It's so controversial, Lady Gaga wouldn't poke it with a hat pin." -TV Week #IfIHadARealityShow
Why are all the contestants French?
Because they are hair artists, darrrling!
Correction, Hair Artistes! Message from the prop department- MORE BERETS!
Whoops! Now the drama really begins where I inadvertently insult the entire bevy of contestants and a mutiny begins!
Dude, it's reality TV. It is built on the tears of it's contestants. If they aren't crying, no one is watching.
I have no idea why they aren't letting us making TV shows. We'd be amazing at it. McPearce Productions would kill it!
McDonalds would be more than happy to endorse, for obvious naming reasons. We've got this, Elyse.
Off to sleep now, to dream of what McPearce Productions could achieve given half the chance... Oh the possibilities... @Elyse
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